Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity:
What to Teach Your Kids & Grandparents Before They Access the Internet
About Raj Goel
Author, entrepreneur, IT expert and public speaker, Raj Goel is globally known as the go-to man in cyber security and privacy law. He is committed to educating individuals and organizations about online safety and how to protect their most important assets – people and data. His expert advice helps individuals, companies and conglomerates navigate their way through the world’s ever-changing technology and increasingly complex IT compliance laws. He often appears in the media and at coconferences world-wide to educate the public on cyber-security and digital privacy, a subject he is passionate about.
About Raj Goel
Message To The Reader
Preface: A Brief History of Property
Protect Your Home & Family
Chapter 1
Parenting Responsibly In The Internet Era
Chapter 2
Has Social Media Gone Unsupervised For Far Too Long?
Chapter 3
Grandparents Are Offering Their Grandkids To Predators
Chapter 4
Prevent Your Kids From Spending Thousands On In-App Purchases
Chapter 5
The Fine Line Between Guidance And Surveillance
Right To Privacy In The 21st Century
Chapter 6
The Right To Digital Privacy
Chapter 7
The Paradox Of Not Owning What You Buy
Chapter 8
The Myth Of Online Privacy
Chapter 9
Information To The Highest Bidder: The Data Exchange Between Government And Private Business
Chapter 10
Invasion Of Privacy: Is It The User’s Fault?
Chapter 11
Ad Blockers Make The Web Safer And Faster!
The Banes Of Technology
Chapter 12
Lessons Learned From Centcom, Crayola And Isis Hackers
Chapter 13
The Real Cost Of Facebook
Chapter 14
How You Spend Your Time Online Can Be Used Against You
Chapter 15
Adult Friend Finder Data Breach – Blackmail R Us?
Chapter 16
Welcome To The Age Of Online Dating
Chapter 17
Social Security Is Not Secure
Chapter 18
Beware The Smart Home Of The Future
Published Articles
Beware The Little Sisters
Watch and See
Googling Your Privacy Away
Beyond Security Awareness Q&A
Welcome to the World of Dating Sites
Is Social Media Too Social?
Child Pornography Q&A:
How to Protect Your Home and Business
Net Neutrality Q&A
Smart Cars: Unsafe at Any Speed
Final Thoughts
I’ve been on the street reporting in New York City for 15 years and you are the one person who knows a lot about a lot, no matter what the subject. Whether it’s tech-related, or security-related, or a hybrid of both, you know exactly what we need. You know how to say it succinctly, in TV speak, and you know your stuff. And when you find someone like that you keep them on speed dial.
Jay Dow | Multiple Emmy Winning Correspondent, WPIX 11, NYC
I highly recommend Raj as a speaker and thought leader on information security and compliance. As an attendee of the SecureCharlotte security conference, I was blown away by Raj’s excellent presentation on consumer Privacy and information security. He is a master at conveying dense technical and complex trends in information security in an understandable and thought-provoking storytelling style. Several of Raj’s comments sent the crowd of security professionals scrambling for their notebooks and blackberries to make sure they would follow-up on potential threats and ideas brought to our attention.
Steve Young | Director of Information Technologies, Blue Ridge Community College
I attended a (ISC)2 conference on Cybercrime where Raj was presenting. His information was clear, current, and most of all honest and upfront. I highly recommend attending an event where he is speaking.
John Chedrick | Manager of IT Services, BD Ops
A subject matter expert who brings clarity to complex problems.
Daniel Hamilton | Information Technology Management, US Army
I found Unplugged: Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity to be not only useful, but a funny, fascinating read as well. The book is full of anecdotes and real-world examples that paint a sobering picture of the Big Brother-esque trends happening all around us. Many stories surprised me – is this actually what our world is like today?! But sadly, yes, these are the realities we are facing, and Goel lays it out clear as day. The issues he touches on, such as social media dangers and the increasing use of “smart” technology, are topics that have come up frequently in conversations with friends and family. After reading this, I feel better equipped to not only protect myself, but to point my friends in the right direction.
Here’s what sets this book apart for me: the Action Items at the end of each chapter. Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity doesn’t just alert its audience to the dangers posed by the misuse of technology, it gives you these specific, helpful steps to take to defend yourself and your family. Everything the author shares is straightforward and easy to understand; it really is a guide for people like me who are not masters of technology! The book has opened my eyes to how risky some of my actions have been, and how I shouldn’t trust others to handle my privacy, but I don’t feel powerless. Instead, I feel pretty galvanized to learn more!
For the tech-savvy, tech-challenged and everyone in between, Unplugged: A Luddites’ Guide to Cyber-security is an eye-opening introduction to the hidden dangers–and sometimes grave consequences—of uninhibited social media use and the disturbing lack of security pervasive in many of the modern technologies we use every day.
Unplugged: A Luddites’ Guide to Cyber-security is a tremendously informative read, with practical advice for navigating the pitfalls of the digital landscape, and for overcoming the obstacles that can make our lives less productive.
For anyone concerned for the security and well-being of themselves and their loved ones, Unplugged: A Luddites’ Guide to Cyber-security is a must-read.
I recently began to incorporate just a few of the principles and some of the practical advice offered in Unplugged: A Luddites’ Guide to Cyber-security and have already begun to reap the benefits! Now, not only is my life much easier and more efficient, but I have more time and fewer headaches.
While growing up, I was taught that pointing out problems is of little value unless you can also provide solutions. In Unplugged: A Luddites’ Guide to Cyber-security, Raj Goel has revealed many of the potential dangers that can accompany the greater freedom and conveniences of technology, but, more importantly, he has also presented solutions and advice that will aid in avoiding those dangers.