Secret Snoop Conference for Gov’t Spying: Go Stealth, Hit a Hundred Thousand Targets

Forget passive monitoring; go stealth to hit your target says the Hacking Team which sells hacking techniques and tools for invasive surveillance of the masses. Better yet, hit a hundred thousand targets. As the Police once sang, “Every breath you take and every move you make…I’ll be watching you,” and that seems to sum up the Italian vendor Hacking Team and what it pimps at Intelligence Support Systems (ISS) conferences.

By Ms. Smith on Thu, 11/10/11 – 3:21pm.


Forget passive monitoring for government spying; go stealth to hit your target says the Hacking Team which sells hacking techniques and tools for invasive surveillance of the masses. Better yet, hit a hundred thousand targets.From the Hacking Team brochure PDF – Fair Use We looked at legal means, with a Trojan horse warrant for remote computer searches. But what about those areas of mass surveillance without a warrant that seem shaded grey and lawfully questionable to many of us concerned about privacy? There are interesting conferences in which the doors are locked to Joe and Jane Doe, but thrown wide open for intelligence agencies and law enforcement. So what goes on behind those doors that are shut to the general public? IIS World Americas is open only to “law enforcement, intelligence, homeland security analysts and telecom operators responsible for lawful interception, electronic investigations and network intelligence.” There are many vendors of products that assist the government in spying, but the Hacking Team should send an eerie eavesdropping chill up your spine.

via Privacy and Security Fanatic: Secret Snoop Conference for Gov’t Spying: Go Stealth, Hit a Hundred Thousand Targets.