

Cloud users CANNOT rely on vendor-provided 3rd party certifications

While the US government dithers due to Congressional gridlock and the quadrennial electioneering showmanship, there’s some sanity coming from the UK.   Recently, Amazon (and previously, Microsoft) submitted 3rd party […]

NSA Whistleblower – You're automatically suspicious until proven otherwise

TV, Movies, History, Social Studies, Civics and law classes have trained us to believe that in the US, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Post 9/11, that’s no longer true. […]

The NSA has dossiers on every American – HOPE 9

At some point, we LOST the cold war and the AXIS powers won.   Soviet-style media clampdown?  Taken care of by the media cartels. East German-style spying?  Facebook, Google, ATT, […]

Microsoft proactively kills Windows Gadgets via Windows Updates

Usually, when we/I talk about cloud threats, it’s usually in the context of something negative – data loss, privacy breach, etc.   In this case, Microsoft collaborated with security researchers, […]

That’s Not My Phone, It’s My Tracker –

In case you missed my Social Media & Cloud Computing Threats to Privacy, Security & Liberty or A Global Perspective on Mobile Security, Privacy and Safety presentations, here’s a fantastic […]

What happens to your Cloud data when the datacenter burns down?

Let’s say you’ve done your research, and have determined that shifting applications to the cloud makes sense for your business.   Let’s also assume that you picked a Tier-1 vendor […]

What's the REAL impact of the LinkedIn, eHarmony, Yahoo and other password breaches

For years, I’ve been talking about drive-by-lootings, where security screwups on part of CompanyA cause damage to innocent Company B.   In this case, Microsoft (legally!) used the leaked password […]

ZTE shares dive 17% due to FBI investigation

What do Walmart & ZTE have in common?   Both stocks dropped significantly in value after running afoul of the US anti-bribery laws.   Moral of the story:  Bribe, er, […]

Yes, you can be fired for Facebook posts

Repeat after me: “Everything I (or my friend) (or my friends’ friends) say about me online can be used against me FOREVER”.   Case in point – an ambulance operator […]

We know what you're doing…another good reason to get off Facebook

Would you be OK if the NSA recorded your every phonecall, and everytime you said “I hate my boss” or “I’m taking a new drug”, that information was made public?” […]