Be Educated, Entertained and Empowered:
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What Raj Talks About:

A Global Overview of Trends in Private, Corporate and Government Surveillance

Based on 10 years of research, Raj ties together user behaviour, digital tools, existing laws and government actions, Raj presents the creation of the digital surveillance state: How it came to be, what we can do about it, and what types of crimes and civil rights threats loom in our future. De Volksrant described Raj as a digital civil rights campaigner and a IT Security expert who knows how to get his message across.

What to teach your kids, employees and interns about Social media

Kids today are born with a smartphone in one hand, and a facebook account in the other. With earbuds permanently implanted in their skulls, they might as well be visitors from another planet. Some of these aliens may be living in your house – devouring your groceries, others inhabit your office spaces. As the 1st true digital, always-on generation, they broadcast every moment of their lives…and your stories…and corporate secrets. This engaging, and highly influential presentation, teaches audiences aged 12-25, and the adults who hire or manage them, what they need to know about Social Media.

Trends in Financial Crimes

Why does SPAM exist? What types of crimes are we enabling by use and misuse of social media? How are small businesses, churches and schools being robbed of hundreds of thousands of dollars? And what do warehouses in China have to do with multi-billion dollar frauds? Listen as Raj shares with you what is fueling cyber-crime and what steps you can take to protect yourself, your family and businesses from the cyber-criminals.

Complying with HIPAA/HITECH and FTC Health Breach Rules

Healthcare is everyone’s business. Whether you’re a patient, a care giver, doctor, nurse, CEO of a hospital or CSO for a large insurer, you know that HIPAA, HITECH, JCAHO, FTC Health Breach Rule and other laws are here to stay. Benefit from Raj’s 15 years in Healthcare compliance and learn how to comply with HIPAA, HITECH and other laws effectively and profitably. Done correctly, compliance is massively profitable.

Complying with PCI-DSS and State Privacy Law Standards

Credit card fraud drives the global crime economy. And credit fraud costs retailers billions of dollars each year. Complying with PCI-DSS is not only contractually required, it’s also a great idea! Raj has helped retailers save millions of dollars in compliance costs, increase efficiencies and profitability. Proper PCI Compliance is the secret to massive retail profits.

Lessons Learned From Sandy

Hurricane Sandy provided a real-time, real life example of what can happen before, during and after disaster – especially if you are unprepared. In particular, it showed the flaws and strengths of computer network based controls for a variety of systems ranging from gas pumps at a convenience store to the controls operating the largest utility. This is real. This is not some pie-in-the sky make believe kind of stuff. If organizations and civil society do not implement and test DR and BCP protocols, damage from a disaster is going to get multiplied In this presentation, I discuss ways to make systems and organizations more resilient.

What Every MSP and IT Provider Needs To Know About Compliance

It’s no secret that every IT company and consultant is looking for an edge. New services and offerings to increase their revenues and stickiness with clients. If your MSP or IT consultancy deals with healthcare, financial or legal clients, then adding Compliance Oriented Services could be your ticket to rapid, profitable growth. Here are the laws, standards and pitfalls you need to know to get started on delivering compliance to your clients.

Looking for a globally experienced, keynote speaker? Book Raj today!


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