Racist anti-Obama Facebook post gets woman fired
Being a racist is stupid. Human, but stupid. Being a racist AND posting online…that’s just dumb. Racist + online postings + assassination threats against a US president? That’s the holy […]
Being a racist is stupid. Human, but stupid. Being a racist AND posting online…that’s just dumb. Racist + online postings + assassination threats against a US president? That’s the holy […]
Your email has LESS protections than postal mails, or even postcards. Cops can search your emails without notifying you. The feds have a large body of tools, and legal maneuvers […]
While nothing Facebook is doing in this case is illegal, it IS unsettling. Showing relationships between existing data is technically neat, but socially gawky. What next? Automatic family pages? Automatic […]
Here’s another good reason to educate your kids and keep them off social media. Parasite websites are popping up that exist solely to grab suggestive and sexually explicit photos of […]
In the 1990’s we spent $ 2.5 BILLION to sequence the human genome. Thanks to Moore’s law (computing power doubles every 18 months) and revolutionary breakthroughs in DNA sequencing, pretty […]
Amazon closed a Norwegian woman’s Amazon account AND DELETED all books off her Kindle for violating some secret Amazon policy. Amazon will NOT disclose what policy she violated; nor […]
In the name of democracy, and political campaigns, the Obama campaign took things to a scary new level. Just as Girls Around Me used public Facebook & FourSquare data […]
Katherine Losse was Facebook’s employee #51 and personal ghost writer for Zuckerberg. Here’s what she revealed about DARK PROFILES. NB: LinkedIn does this as well. So do most other […]
If your business (or life) revolves around GoogleTalk, you were in for a rude surprise last week. GoogleTalk, Twitter, Salesforce, Microsoft Azure…each went down for hours on-end, globally. […]
In case you missed my Social Media & Cloud Computing Threats to Privacy, Security & Liberty or A Global Perspective on Mobile Security, Privacy and Safety presentations, here’s a fantastic […]