Posts Tagged ‘panopticon’

Yes, you can be fired for Facebook posts

Repeat after me: “Everything I (or my friend) (or my friends’ friends) say about me online can be used against me FOREVER”.   Case in point – an ambulance operator […]

We know what you're doing…another good reason to get off Facebook

Would you be OK if the NSA recorded your every phonecall, and everytime you said “I hate my boss” or “I’m taking a new drug”, that information was made public?” […]

Brighttalk Mobile Security Webinar – A Global Perspective on Mobile Security, Privacy and Safety – July 11, 2012 July 11, 2012 4:00 PM EST Traditionally, when we think of mobile computing, we think about which of our employees we trust, and what devices we allow onto our […]

GBATA 2012 Keynote Presentation – Social Media & Cloud Computing Threats to Privacy, Security and Liberty – July 11 2012

July 11, 2012 10:30 AM EST Social Media has quickly woven itself into the very fabric of everyday life. This boom in sharing, even the most banal of details, has […]

BYOD blowback drives more IT underground

Corporate America failed to learn from Japan’s 30+ year experiment with BYODs and is making new mistakes, in top of the old ones. Japan suffered massive IT penetration and data […]

Would you setup shop in the middle of a warzone?

Do you fancy opening your next office in Baghdad?  Kabul?  Beirut? Bogata?  Medellin?   No?  Why not?  Could it be because you do NOT want your employees or clients to […]

SceneTap – Creepy new surveillance App in Bars

Remember all those movies where the hero ducked into a bar to avoid the bad guys? Or all those bars you ducked into with your date, because the vibe felt […]

Girls Around Me App – A preview of what's to come

Yes, Girls Around Me – the app, is gone.  For now. It wasn’t illegal, but it creeped people out. What I find amusing is that while these guys creeped people […]

What legal rights do YOU have to your mobile data?

Here’s a fascinating article from on how the US DOJ is getting cellular location data from cell carriers (neatly bypassing the 4th amendment protections) and how technology has increased […]

Sergey Brin says Facebook, Apple, US Government biggest threats to Web Freedom

In a rare show of honesty, Sergey Brin admitted that  their data that was now in the reach of US authorities because it sits on Google’s servers. He said the […]