Yes, you can be fired for Facebook posts
Repeat after me: “Everything I (or my friend) (or my friends’ friends) say about me online can be used against me FOREVER”. Case in point – an ambulance operator […]
Repeat after me: “Everything I (or my friend) (or my friends’ friends) say about me online can be used against me FOREVER”. Case in point – an ambulance operator […]
Would you be OK if the NSA recorded your every phonecall, and everytime you said “I hate my boss” or “I’m taking a new drug”, that information was made public?” […] July 11, 2012 4:00 PM EST Traditionally, when we think of mobile computing, we think about which of our employees we trust, and what devices we allow onto our […]
July 11, 2012 10:30 AM EST Social Media has quickly woven itself into the very fabric of everyday life. This boom in sharing, even the most banal of details, has […]
Corporate America failed to learn from Japan’s 30+ year experiment with BYODs and is making new mistakes, in top of the old ones. Japan suffered massive IT penetration and data […]
Do you fancy opening your next office in Baghdad? Kabul? Beirut? Bogata? Medellin? No? Why not? Could it be because you do NOT want your employees or clients to […]
Remember all those movies where the hero ducked into a bar to avoid the bad guys? Or all those bars you ducked into with your date, because the vibe felt […]
Yes, Girls Around Me – the app, is gone. For now. It wasn’t illegal, but it creeped people out. What I find amusing is that while these guys creeped people […]
Here’s a fascinating article from on how the US DOJ is getting cellular location data from cell carriers (neatly bypassing the 4th amendment protections) and how technology has increased […]
In a rare show of honesty, Sergey Brin admitted that their data that was now in the reach of US authorities because it sits on Google’s servers. He said the […]