Posts Tagged ‘panopticon’

What to Teach Your Kids, Employees and Interns about Social Media

This 31-minute webinar shows you how Kids have been denied College Admissions, thrown out of college or kicked out of their majors Interns and employees have cost their employers thousands […]

Over 3 years later, "deleted" Facebook photos are still online

So, Facebook has IPO’d and  Zuckerberg is a multi-billionaire.  His dad is worth over $ 60,000,000. Several million people have been born. OSX has updated…twice. UK and Australia have ruled […]

Americans can be forced to decrypt their laptops | Privacy Inc. – CNET News

What the Supreme Court Giveth in 4th Amendment Protections (namely, GPS surveillance requires warrants), a lower court takes away in 5th Amendment protections.   Americans can be forced to decrypt […]

US Supreme Court – GPS tracking requires warrant

Celebrate!! The 4th Amendment isn’t dead…yet. The feds will need warrants to install GPS trackers on your vehicles.   From The Register: US Supremes: GPS tracking requires warrant   ‘Stop! […]

Social media 'private' data is fair game for e-discovery in court

Data Privacy Day: Social media ‘private’ data is fair game for e-discovery in court Microsoft Trustworthy Computing released data about how posting on social networking sites can impact more than […]

Google finally admits it wants to OWN YOU • The Register

I’ve waited a few days to post this, because with all things Google, there’s more obscured behind the clouds.   The US congress has a few questions for Google Some […]

Man faces five years for ‘God does not exist’ Facebook post | ZDNet

Nietzsche declared “God is dead” (or “the death of God”) in Thus Spake Zarathustra.  For that work, and many others, he is widely created with creating whole new branches in […]

“Everything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You, By Anybody, Now Or Decades Into The Future.” – Falkvinge on Infopolicy

“Everything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You, By Anybody, Now Or Decades Into The Future.” Freedom of Speech There are politicians trying to eliminate anonymity on the […]

This Is Data Retention. Would You Give It To Any Future Government? – Falkvinge on Infopolicy

This Is Data Retention. Would You Give It To Any Future Government? A new visualization of cellphone location data surfaced on Engadget. While it was hailed as a cool visualization […]

How Facebook Can Hurt Your Credit Rating

How Facebook Can Hurt Your Credit Rating Analysis: Bank on it — Financial institutions are checking social media profiles to identify credit risks. It’s time to ditch those deadbeat friends. […]